les-halles-bauza.jpgLes Halles
©Vincent Bauza

Markets and Producers in Saint-Nazaire and the Brière

Going to the market is not just another way to get your groceries, it’s a feast for the senses.
What are you doing tomorrow morning? Take a stroll through Saint-Nazaire’s markets!

Markets and producers in Saint-Nazaire

The covered market in the city centre

In the covered market, with its dozens of merchants inside and outside, you will be spoilt for choice! Will you choose prawns, a lobster, a sole or two? All of them –of course!– as fresh as can be. Or are you more inclined towards a plump free-range chicken and traditional pâté? Exotic vegetables or organic potatoes, grown just a few miles away? And how could you possibly resist the fruit? Sweet melons, heaps of shiny red cherries and mouth-watering strawberries are just some of the temptations that lie in store.

‌While you’re there, have a look at the architecture of the covered market. It dates back to the 1950s, when the city was rebuilt after the war. Its elegantly curved high ceiling, made of concrete like the whole building, is designed both to allow daylight into the market and to provide shade for the stalls.

Continue Shopping

A few kilometres from the city centre, the Baltard-style Penhoët Market is totally different. It was built in 1877 and used to stand in the city centre before being transferred, in 1936, to Penhoët. This covered market is the oldest public building still being used in Saint-Nazaire to this day.

To add other delicacies to your basket, let’s have a stroll around the markets in Perthuischaud and Saint-Marc-sur-Mer. The one in Saint-Marc is an open-air market which is open twice a week, and on several summer evenings. Our pick: shop for a picnic then head to Monsieur Hulot’s beach!

Days and locations of the markets

Days and locations of the markets (mornings only):

– Place du Commerce (central market hall) – Saint-Nazaire

– Penhoët market hall and la Bouletterie – Saint-Nazaire
– Place du Général de Gaulle – Montoir-de-Bretagne

– Perthuischaud and Saint-Marc – Saint-Nazaire
– Place de la Mairie – Donges

– Place du Commerce (central market) – Saint-Nazaire
– Esplanade Bernard Legrand – La Chapelle-des-Marais
– Parvis de l’Eglise – Saint-André-des-Eaux

– Place du Commerce (central market hall) – Saint-Nazaire
– Penhoët market hall – Saint-Nazaire
– Place de l’Eglise – Saint-Joachim

– Place du Commerce (central market hall) and Saint-Marc – Saint-Nazaire
– Parvis de l’Eglise – Saint-André-des-Eaux
– Place de la Poste – Besné

You’ll find below a map with the markets highlighted. As we say in France, bon appétit!

Local producers - so you can enjoy locally-sourced food in every season

Both Saint-Nazaire and the Brière are bursting with market farmers and producers who are not necessarily present in the weekly markets. Happily, you don’t need to wait until you’re here to start eating healthily and stocking up on supplies from this area. Buying from local producers is a great way to meet those who contribute to the development of our region, and they are happy to meet their customers!

Crafts in the Brière

People like to work with their hands in the Brière, making, shaping, polishing, kneading and cutting. Using these ancient methods, traditions are kept alive, sometimes with the added touch of modern know-how.

Shopping in Saint-Nazaire

Are you more window-shopping or shopping spree? Whether on your own or with friends and family, explore the city centre and you’ll find everything from major malls to intimate shops. Keep your eyes peeled, Saint-Nazaire is home to hidden gems waiting to be found!